Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ten Easy Ways You Can Support KSER

Is there anything more annoying that Top 10 Lists?  Wait...before you answer that, here are 10 ways you can help support independent public radio, KSER.

10. Tell all your friends and neighbors and convince them to start listening. Okay, maybe you don't like talking to your neighbors, so post something on Facebook or Twitter about your favorite KSER show.

9. Become a pledge-drive volunteer. We're doing our Summer KSER Pledge drive starting June 21 and we need volunteers to answer phones. If you'd like to sign up to help out for a 2-hour shift just call us at 425-303-9070.

8.  Plaster one of those cool KSER static-cling stickers on your car window or office or home window. We'll be happy to send you one!

7. Wear cool KSER shirts and hats available at the KSER online store. They don't cost much, but you'll be the life of the party and the most popular person at work.

6. Consider donating your old car, truck, RV or boat to KSER. Running or not, we'll pick it up and handle all the paperwork.You'll be supporting KSER and may be eligible for a tax deduction. You can find all the info here.

5. If you own or work for a business, organization or non-profit that could use some marketing help, consider underwriting on KSER. It's dramatically less expensive than traditional advertising, your message won't be lost in the clutter of a 10-minute commercial break...and most importantly, our loyal listeners will know that your organization is a supporter of KSER. Just call 425-303-9070 and ask to speak to Katie or Marc.

4. Make sure you support the businesses and organizations that support KSER.  

3. If you're one of the many great KSER listeners who regularly makes financial contributions to the station, or if you're thinking about making a donation, please know that many employers will match your contribution to KSER - so you're doubling the impact of your donation. Microsoft; Boeing; Safeco; Pemco; PSE and more will match donations. Check with your HR department. 

2. Consider making a recurring donation that fits your budget; then every month you will automatically support KSER. It's easy to do online.

1. Listen AND donate AND tell your friends to listen and donate! (Don't forget, we're going to make it easy for your friends, we're starting our KSER Dog Days of Summer Fundraising Campaign on Friday, June 21!)

BONUS. Way #11 to Support KSER:  Let fellow motorists hear KSER. Roll down your car windows and crank up the KSER music really loud. You know, crank it up to 11...

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