Dear You've been promoting Amy Goodman being at the GOP convention. But will any GOPer in his/her right mind dare talk to Amy? And she's on in the morning, all the hot convention action will be at night? Mark, Everett
Mark: "Hot convention action?" Remember, what happens in Tampa stays in Tampa...unless someone posts it on YouTube. Even if the poobahs don't talk with Amy, she will get the stories and have the insight you won't get on the TV networks. And the next morning is when Amy will have the scoops. Remember she's doing a special 2-hour show each morning at 7 starting Monday on KSER.
Dear Last weekend I heard some big band music on the car radio and I'm pretty sure it was KSER. I didn't think anyone played that kind of music anymore. Was it KSER? Or am I confused? I love that stuff, and I'm only 28. Dan, Bothell.
Dan: Button up your Zoot suit. It probably was KSER. Every Saturday morning at 9, KSER presents The Big Bandstand with Steve Ward. Steve knows Big Band inside out and is an outstanding DJ. That's his picture below with Glenn Miller. (Steve's the good looking one without a trombone.)

Dear I really like how you have so many loco people at your station. And I know it's mostly volunteers. What do you have to do to volunteer at the station. Terri, Lake Stevens
Terri: I'm going to assume that was a typo and you meant 'local' people. Or have we met? Anyway, here's where you can get all the volunteer info.
Dear Why is it that someone like Ed Bremer or Amy Goodman can have a guest on the radio for 20 or 30 minutes and ask really probing questions and get really in-depth answers, but then I turn on the big Seattle stations and they're talking about Dancing with the Stars or Kim Kardashian. If they do get into serious topics they spend maybe 15 or 20 seconds before getting back to People magazine stuff. Is that because they get better ratings or what? William, Arlington
William: Some of those big stations are airing 4, 5, sometimes 6 commercial breaks every single hour. And some of those commercial breaks last 5 or 6 minutes. Do the math. It's pretty hard to do an in-depth interview when you're interrupted for commercials every 7 minutes. And some of the big companies advertising their products don't really want certain controversial issues talked about near their commercial messages.
Dear We just moved to Snohomish County from California. Love the information and music on KSER, but we're still trying to figure out the transit schedules, schools and that kind of stuff. Could you recommend a good directory for local info. Alicia, Everett
Alicia: A great starting place is the KSER website. Just click on the handy 'community' link at the top of the page or click here. And welcome to the Northwest!
Dear I saw someone at the Everett Crafts Beer festival wearing a KSER hat that was so cool. It wasn't a baseball hat, more of a military type cap. How can I get one of those? Don, Shoreline
Don: You can click here to buy the KSER military style cap or tons of other cool merchandise. And, remember, you'll not only be supporting independent public radio, but you'll also be hiding your receding hair line!
Dear Just my opinion, but I don't think you write enough about the music or the artists and you spend too much space promoting ways for people to donate to KSER or buy a bunch of crap with KSER logos all over it. I don't want to sound mean but for all the good that does you may as well just post a picture of a dog, or something. Lisa, Everett
Lisa: Thanks. This pups for you!
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