Thursday, September 6, 2012

More Things I Think I Think

  • I think Rush Limbaugh doesn't get enough credit for the good he does! Especially the good he does promoting women's issues. For example, Sandra Fluke was an obscure Georgetown grad student that none of us knew anything about.  But Rush was kind enough to put her on the map and now she's a featured convention speaker promoting women's issues. You can't buy that kind of pub.

  • I think Amy Goodman's convention coverage on KSER has been far more insightful and thorough than anything on the big TV or Cable networks.  She does far more with far fewer resources. But that's just me.

  • I think presidential campaigns frequently fail because of the little things: Michael Dukakis in the tank with that ill-fitting helmet; Bob Dole talking about Bob Dole; George H.W. Bush fascinated with a grocery scanner. Is Paul Ryan's foggy memory about a 2:55 marathon time this year's flub?

  • I think most people would be bummed if a show like Amy Goodman moved to Satellite Radio.  But I bet many listeners would be willing to pony up $16.99 a month for Sirius/XM to hear her show. She's not moving and you can get her for free every day. Of course, you're welcome to contribute to KSER to ensure that she never moves.

  • I think sometimes in sports (and life) a great player doesn't always make for a better team. Since the Mariners traded Ichiro they've had two big win streaks and have gone 24-15. The Yankees, meanwhile, had a 10-game division lead, but now, with Ichriro in pinstripes, the Yankee are down to a 1-game lead.

  • I think most frustrated jocks are obsessive about their sports matter how minor. So how does someone not precisely remember his/her best marathon time?  

  • I think the ESPN football analysts are missing the mark in their Super Bowl predictions. Not one of them has the Seahawks making the big game. This could be the year...I think.

  • I think some people spend too much time thinking about sports.

  • I think it's always impressive the type of people who want to be involved or volunteer at KSER. One of the students in our current KSER Basic Broadcasting Class is a new History Specialist at the Everett Public Library.  Lisa Labovitch was just the subject of a great story in the Herald.

  • I think north-end commuters should all be given medals. When you hear KSER's Sondra Santos or Ed Bremer talk about 55, 65 or 75 minute Everett-to-Seattle/Seattle-to-Everett commute times it's headache inducing.  Now, why didn't we build light-rail 30 years ago?

  • I think it will be a while before you see another attempt at prop-comedy at a political convention. 

  • I think it would be funny if it wasn't so sad to hear politicians on the government payroll (with full health benefits and pensions) give props to private enterprise while attacking government agencies and government workers.

  • I think it would be even funnier if it wasn't so much sadder that so many people fall for government-paid politicians knocking the government.
  • I think some people should spend more time thinking about sports.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tom, I think that you made me think things, and re-think things, I think.
